While your windows may appear perfect and intact, the real situation may be much different. This is especially true if you live in an older home and haven't had the windows replaced in quite some time. Windows are an incredibly important part of your home, and it may be time for you to think about getting replacements. Use this information to learn more about why you should replace your windows as soon as possible.
Many homeowners don't really know how old their windows are unless they are the first owners of the home. If this is your situation, you are likely wondering how to know when it is time to replace, rather than repair, your old windows. The following guide to replacement signs can help you determine the best course of action. Sign #1: Condensation buildup If you have double- or triple-pane insulated windows, one of the first signs of a problem is condensation buildup between the layers of glass.
It's the middle of the summer and you need to do what you can to reduce heat gain in your home. If you don't want to have to spend a fortune to do this, here are three home insulation ideas to implement with your windows: 1. Apply Some Bubble Wrap Whether you have some old bubble wrap from when you moved into the house or you decide to purchase it new, bubble wrap can be applied to your windows as a form of insulation to help reduce heat inside of your home.
After a break-in in which the burglar gained entry to your home by breaking your sliding glass window, you'll feel shaky until you can have a local glass service visit your home to replace the sheet of glass from the door. The installation of the new door can make you feel more secure in your home, but you'll feel even better by putting a number of security processes in place. You can partner with the glass service to boost the security of the sliding door or perform some installations of your own.
Fiberglass might not be the first material that comes to mind when you are thinking about window sashes. However, it is actually a very common window material. This is due to the fact that fiberglass is easy to maintain, strong, and made in many great styles. This article explains some of the most important perks of using fiberglass in residential construction. You will see why it is a good option for homeowners with different styles and budgets.
For many people, spring is a time for cleaning. I am one of these people. Once warm weather arrives, I feel energized and ready to conquer the large list of cleaning chores that usually need to be completed around my home. One of the chores I always complete during the spring months is window cleaning. I am ashamed to admit that I don’t ever clean my windows during the cold weather months. Because I’m extremely cold natured, I won’t venture outside to scrub my windows in the winter. If you’re making a spring cleaning list, don’t forget to put your windows on it. On this blog, you will discover why spring is the best time of the year to clean your windows.